The Lady in the dark is the ruler of my heart.
Her Divine shape makes my heart race.
Fingers trace the contours of her face culminating into a fiery embrace.
She knows not what she does to me
Sheer physical pleasure no longer sustains me.
As the Sun begins to battle with the Moon, my very being begins to swoon.
Stay I whisper in her ear.
Sorry but I must go my dear.
The Sun has started to win the fight, for now I see the army of the faint blue light.
Although the darkness begins to lose, her beauty grows stronger as the Sun begins its rule.
Go to sleep babe, let me go. This request only makes me love her more.
And like the epic lovers of old, not once does she try to escape my hold.
The Sun God has finally taken down the mysterious Moon.
We have fallen asleep making the shapes of mates, arms holding each other, heads resting against one another.
When the Sun shines mighty to celebrate its victory, I awake to realize that he has left a gift for me.
M Sharma