Are going to Change.
Thank you for Reading. :)
At 25 I had a full head of thick black hair. At 26 I was Balding. I changed.
Of course at the time I cursed the heavens and said, " Why me God?!"
You see I love my hair, as all balding men would say, but I REALLY loved my head full of hair. I would sit at home and stroke my fingers through it for hours, in fact it was one of my favorite pass times. I cut it in every way possible, I had a mullet, I put streaks in it, I even tried to grow it out several times. Of course I'm not writing about me losing my hair. I m talking about change.
I have questions this time, to ponder.
Why are we afraid to change? Why would you ever want things to stay the same?
Sure I get it, there are these fantastic moments in our lives where we are the embodiment of happiness and bliss, but what makes us think it won't happen again?
Why does getting old mean you can't change?
Have you heard this one? "I'm to old for that." What are you to old for? Living?
Or if I was younger, or not married or single or insert any excuse you can think of.
Stop limiting yourself.
Why can't someone we love change? The moment we attach expectations on anyone we love, we are asking them to fail. Also do you actually fail at love if a realtionship fails?
I mean after trying and trying isn't it better to say I love you, may you continue to grow,then saying I gave you 20 plus years of my life and what do I have to show for it? Or any other hurtful words we can think of because we didn't want to change ourseleves or let anyone change around us.
Also Change for you. If one day you liked Hip Hop music and 5 years later it's Bach or Bust and someone goes, "What happend to you?" Just say you got better. Because you can!!
Caterpillar are Awesome cute creatures but guess what happens to a Caterpillar?
Ask yourself
Do you wish to be right or happy in life?
If you are questioning what I mean about "Right" then you will most likely question what it is to be happy. Believe me you can be 'right" in life but still end up unhappy and unfullied but at least you will be right.
If you live a happy life you are not pursuing happniess you are experiencing life.
Huge difference. You are not looking to the next thing to make you happy. You simply are happy.
Of course questions like these are always fun to talk about. So when next we meet lets chat.
Still, You and everything around you will change.
Thank you for Reading.
Learn. Live. Love.