"I Can't believe I ever dated him."
This, is what I over heard on the Skytrain the other day on my way to work. Immersed in The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut, this one little sentence manage to pull me out of some great fiction. I continued to listen as the Woman went on to list all the things this man "she was to good for" lacked.
This list was very extensive.
Still it got me thinking and I came to the realization that I have had many people in my life, including myself, use this line or some variation of it.
"I can't believe I dated her/where friends/where together?" You can add the ever popular "what was I thinking?" to the mix.
I had to understand why I would ever open my mouth and say any of these silly lines. It was time for me to take responsibility. I have said to many of my friends, and mentioned it a few times in my Blog that the world is a reflection of you. You are at the very lest a Co-create on this wonderful journey you have chosen, so you must honor your choices. Take a moment and think about all of your relationships regardless of whatever state they are in. Now accept to yourself that you have made these choices, all of them, and BELIEVE in them. Now some people may say, wait I didn't choice to be given up on, or used, or cheated on, or any other negative situation or circumstance you can think of. However in some weird way you did. You needed to learn. You had to grow. These people that we end up becoming "to good for" in essence are very much us. IF you sit and think about you and who you were 5 or 10 years ago you will clearly be different and if you go " I can't believe.. blah blah blah" Shut your mouth and respect yourself. Believe you have grown and Believe where that growth came from. These lovely people that you became "to good for" did nothing that you can not over come. Don't let fear and hate stop you. When you list there short comings remember that some of the qualities exist in you or did at one point in time.
And if by chance you are the one who let someone down, broke a heart, took someone for granted. Accept your choices and thank you for hurting someone, thank you for hurting yourself. Those people were and are the great aspects of you, that you were not ready for. So you hurt yourself by hurting them. I personally forgive anyone who has done this to me and ask for forgiveness if I have done any harm to anyone.
We all are good enough and can all become better. And for those still looking for there great soul mate or love to complete them (which is entirely different blog) I say, The best relationships you can have is with yourself first and when you love you. The world will say to you in many voices or in one. I love you too. Now that is something you should Believe.
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