The Jeans and T-shirt sage sits in front of me.
Drinking his Desi Whiskey, while the smoke of his cigarette dances around his face.
"I have been waiting for you for a year."
Somewhere in the hill/mountain region of Northern India, a man I have never met before not only knows me, but has been waiting to see me. I want to be skeptical.
"Yeah right buddy."
" No you haven't you lair. Stop lying!"
" Shut your mouth."
I want to be Skeptical, I didn't want to believe him....but I now it's true.
For the rest of the day this normal everyday looking man is telling me about my life.
Not a vague horoscope description or half ass Psychic interpretation but actual events.
There is Magic in India. There is Magic in the World.
This isn't a life changing experience, this is a life realization experience.
I didn't need to get high on any drug or drink to feel some kind of connection. I am not telling you about some kind of drug trip where my eyes have been opened.
I will say that to all of you who believe there is something more to life, wished there was magic in the world,or thought that there is more to life then how much you weigh or what you look like.
I am telling you there is...... and I have seen it with my human eyes.
These same eyes that watch movies and look to see how fake the CGI is. The same eyes that have stupidly judged beauty based on what is shown to me on TV. These human eyes finally saw something Divine. My Soul has always told me that yes, there is so much more then who wins the Super Bowl (Don't get me wrong it's still important) or how much money you make ( Still very very important) but this brother whom up until 4 days ago did not exist to me talked about my past and told me of my future.
Aight I know some of you are all like "What did he say Munish? I wanna know? Give me Facts!"
and there is at least 10 of you who don't want to believe this. Well to the people who don't want to believe me, it's all good.
To the people who want to know facts, maybe I will tell you a more in depth story in the future, but for all of you who Love me and know what kind of human being I am. Thanks. I know somewhere in your hearts you know that Munish is telling the truth.
Trust me I want to tell you more in depth tales about the Lotus Temple and the Golden temple. Swimming in the Ganges in the early morning in the mist, near the mountains with beautiful cranes. Glorious Elephants, meeting my Guru, but this seems more important.
I will say that aside from this greatness, I have absolutely loved spending time with my family, especially my Mom and Sister.
I love those Women so much. It's been over 6 years since I have spent this much time with my Mother and 8 years with my sister.
I don't want to sound like a broken record, no, wait, I do.
Love the Women in your life. I don't care if you think they are crazy or boring or whatever eventual lame excuse you come up with.
Love the Women in your Life. I have a Great Dad, a fantastic brother, but truly the two souls who play the part of my Mother and Sister are my core reason for who I am. These two Goddess make my life beautiful and someday there will be three.
The Jeans and T-Shirt Sage asks me who I think I am?
I sit trying to answer as if I may give him a wrong answer.
He smiles.
" I do not see you as you are." He says.
" I see you in your white robes, with your white beard, the way you will be."
I have seen this image my entire life, and it pops up clearly as he describes that image of me 30+ years from now. :)
"But first in.......( Sorry folks It would be great to tell all of you what he told be, but the point is to see it happen)
There is much more of my trip left heading to Chennai Mar 21. I have places to see, people to meet and creativity to harness.
Trust me I am exactly where I need to be right know. Away.
My Soul knows this.................but
Ahem, don't get shit twisted. I ll be back on that dance floor causin a stir, bumpin and grindin with some sexy girl.
Learn. Live. LOVE.
ps My bad for the spelling and grammar. I have been mostly speaking Hindi or Punjab for 6 weeks. Me English bad.
I felt like some porous thing reading this post. Simply awesome Munish.