Friday, June 24, 2011

For Her

I wanted to write something beautiful about you.
To honor you.
To have something in writing that the world could read.
So a man would feel threatened and love a woman better. So a woman could read these words and believe someday there will be words such as this for her.
My dear I could not paint a picture or string together two sentences.
I consulted books from Sufi's, recited Tagore and listen to Shakespeare.
Nothing, nothing would help me.
So I closed my eyes and thought of you.
My mind screamed, "Describe her beauty! Use the image in your minds eye and write it in to lines!"
My pen touches the paper.
Then my heart spoke firmly, " Hair, Eyes, Lips, Face, Body, all of this is ever changing. Speak from within me and tell her why she is Amazing!"
My heart began to entice me to write what I was feeling.
Still the pen would not kiss the paper because it felt misleading.
Then the Spark that I call my Soul began to bellow," Feelings are Fleeting your emotions rise and fall. Tell her what is constant. The rest is all none sense."
Then quietly with no more confusion this is what I penned

You are mine and I am yours.

Yes, I know it is simple. One sentence that took 3 seconds to scribble.
But my love in those seven words live my entire world.

You are mine and I am yours.