Sunday, August 12, 2012

All I do is Party?

As I walked down Granville Street last night completely sober and foolishly acting all high and mighty.
I started to think about Drugs. I looked around at the Men and Women or Boys and Girls. I mean Reaaally looked at them. Some of them where clearly smashed out of there minds. I saw a very many girls either sitting on a bench or leaning on a lamp post drinking water trying to keep there shit together(so many dresses ruined). Men or Boys with that dear in head lights look, and lets not forget the Men who become the incredible Hulk when they drink. Then there are all the lovers new and old holding on to each other. The Boys with that look of, "I'm so going to get laid tonight" The Girls thinkin," I hope he likes me, or I really just wanna eat my pizza and go to bed"

As I walk to the Roxy (your read correctly) looking around I almost made the mistake of thinking I was better then everyone. Then I told my Ego to Shut the hell up.
Again I started to think about Drugs, Alcohol being the main one, and I realized that everyone around me is being exactly who they really are... in a way.

When I first started drinking I was told you drink to loosen up, to grow some balls to hit on that women that your Ego says is out of your league. To have Fun!!
However, it has become more apparent to me that we take Drugs such as Alcohol, Cannabis, Mushrooms, MDMA, DMT not to have fun but to shut down our Ego.
That voice that says you can't do that, or She/He is to good for you, that's not you, and basically anything else you say to yourself to hold yourself back.
Of course because we live in an Age of Abundance. Everything is Accessible and we over do it. We depend on these gifts from the earth and begin to hinder our own gifts within us. Yup, came to the realization on Granville St.
I'm not going to be silly and say don't do Drugs etc, but I will say you must learn to honor yourself. Yes maybe you need to over do it to learn, but respect yourself and learn. If you do drink or take drugs understand it only enhances what you already have. It's not the 12 shots or pills or joint or anything that made you have fun last night. It was you. You pushed through your Ego and found your true essence, but that awesome You already lives inside you. You don't need to be drugged up all the time to find yourself or take copious amounts of anything to be you. IF you think everyone does it and you should to. Well, everyone does it because you do. (think about it)
Also any Drug (Medicine) that comes from the Earth has far more power then we allow ourselves to believe. They are not simply for Fun. You should learn to honor them because they can teach you how to be Awesome all the time. Without reaching for that extra drink. So the next time you are out and you feel really good let yourself be in that moment don't push it. Ask yourself is this Me? Believe me I have partied, in many cases in life I am the Party, but the greatest nights of my life I remember.
Learn. Live. Love.

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